Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Carol (Blues) Greys

Yours truly has been so down in the dumps - actually, on and off all summer - and lately more on than off. Interestingly, it is sort of a inherited plague from my mother - and I have had to deal with it for many years. So, I do know what I have to do - i.e. get up out of my chair and get busy - especially, get busy doing things that need to be done! Anyhow, I signed up for a series of classes which I thought were mostly related to the brain and keeping it agile - turns out, they are mostly related to depression. The first one was quite good and I came home anxious to get into the recommended stuff and did for one day - and then decided I did not like the required record keeping and have ignored my chart seince - I have drank more water all week but resisted being organized about anything. I have promised myself that I will continue the classes - so tomorrow night I will be there with a smile on my face and who knows what going on inside.
However, I learned something yesterday that sort of surprised me. My friend Lorraine called and asked me if I would like to plan to attend a couple of special events at the Mondavi center. Next spring, Professor Schickely and his PDQ Bach insanity - of course I would! And in early November John Cleese doing something - I know not what! Absolutely I would! So tickets for John C. have been ordered! Then she asked me if I heard from Linda ? yet. Linda is not one of my close Sac friends but I have always enjoyed her and recently she told me she was having a party in September and hoped I would come - so, on September 26th I will head SW for the weekend and the party. Aha! I cannot begin to describe how I perked up after Lorraine's call - something to look forward to. In fact, more than one something to look forward to. I should add, that if I were truly deeply depressed I would have made excuses to not do any of the above.
Not a cheery blog - but hopefully you will all learn something about the blues. Actually, blue is the wrong color - it should be the greys.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A good day - Tiger won the Buick Invitational - by three strokes - against the lightest field I have ever seen at a golf tournament - but a win is a win.
Tomorrow we have the resident's meeting - as Madam Secretary I have to work - and I really do not enjoy being secretary but have agreed to continue for two more years. I do enjoy the people that I work with.
Then in the afternoon I get to go to Auburn and play with Gavin - a special treat. Terry will be at pre-school so Jen will hop off to her appointment and I will be on the floor with Gavin. He is developing a vocabulary - I always know what he is saying because he is a great pointer - light, that, book and I forget the 4th word. He is a book lover - which is fantastic!
Thursday, after bridge, I am going to Sacramento to spend the weekend with a very good friend, Jean McDonald. It will be so nice to have the time with her and I truly needed to escape for a few days.