Monday, March 30, 2009
Yes, Tiger did it - in case you have missed the news of Sunday, he got a birdy on the last hole that made him the winner. I was so amazingly happy for him that I actually shed tears. Rich called to share my "excitement" and found me crying instead of shouting. O.K., so I am weird! This just confirms what you have always believed - if it needed confirmation.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This is a special day!
March 29th - ah, yes - Chris's non-birthday. Let's all sing together, "Happy non- birthday to you, happy non-birthday to you, happy non-birthday dear Chris, happy non-birthday to you." What more can I say than I do hope you have many, many more non-birthdays, Chris.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Let's hear it for Grandaughters
My grandaughter cup did run over yesterday - well, almost. Jen had been staying here for a few days with Tommy and Janet came down to visit me. She and Jen had a brief reunion til Jen had to leave. Janet and I went to lunch and bummed around in a beads store awhile and then came back to my home and chatted the afternoon away. It was so special for me to have that time with that very busy gal. It was just plain wonderful!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Most Scenic Photo I Ever Took

I didn't know that I still had a regular print of this glorious photo that I took at Crater Lake quite a few years ago. I do have a poster size print of it hanging in my bedroom. Anyhow, Bob and I had stopped at Crater Lake and he really gave me a bad time for climbing around to add the dead tree to my landscape - he was quite impressed when he saw the results of my effort. Needless to say, it was a very beautiful day at Crater Lake.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Special things

When Janet was seven or eight she gave me a pale green Beanie Baby Bunny along with this greeting card she made for me. She had laid the bunny on the paper and drew around it - from there she turned it into a Christmas bunny. To say that I have enjoyed it all these years does not do justice to the joy it has given me. The bunny and the picture have been displayed in my bedroom ever since. Janet, it always makes me smile!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
What a wonderful day!
Karen and Barry's lunch gathering to honor my birthday became a most special day. It was really neat seeing Rich, Chris, Shellie, Andy, and Alex but when I was sent to the front door and found Jennifer and her boys on the outside - tis amazing that I didn't explode as I was so completely filled with pure joy! Needless to say, it was very special for all of us. Gay and Greg showed up later and that, too, added to the magic of the day.
Yes, I know, most of you blog followers were there - and I did enjoy seeing each of you and thank you for dealing with traffic etc. to be there. I tried to take pictures of my beautiful gladiolas and the mixed flowers but my camera just did not cooperate.
While little babies are inclined to sort of steal the day, Terry definitely outshown his little brother with his great antics. He is a boy that just exudes happiness. I enjoyed the pleasure of having Tommy fall asleep in my arms and thoroughly enjoyed his hour plus nap.
A truly wonderful day!
Yes, I know, most of you blog followers were there - and I did enjoy seeing each of you and thank you for dealing with traffic etc. to be there. I tried to take pictures of my beautiful gladiolas and the mixed flowers but my camera just did not cooperate.
While little babies are inclined to sort of steal the day, Terry definitely outshown his little brother with his great antics. He is a boy that just exudes happiness. I enjoyed the pleasure of having Tommy fall asleep in my arms and thoroughly enjoyed his hour plus nap.
A truly wonderful day!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sisters, Sisters
It is perfectly obvious that Karen was completely thrilled with her little sister - even considering that her little sister knocked her front tooth out while "just playing around". (just joking!) However, Shellie could do no wrong in either Karen's or Russ's eyes. Both Karen's kindergarten and a couple of years later Russ's sixth grade teacher asked me what I had done that made them both just idolize Shellie.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Russell's 3rd birthday outfit
All Russ wanted for his third birthday was a Hopalong Cassidy jacket, pants, hat and guns. Thus this washed out Hopalong Cassiday outfit that was the most joyous birthday present he ever received. So joyous, in fact, that he just had to sleep in it for a night or two. I should add, that with reluctance on his part, the hat and the guns were carefully placed next to his bed. So joyous, in fact, that it probably did not see a washing machine for several days.
Strangely, if you asked me to remember what he got on any other birthday I could not come up with an answer. That third birthday was so far above any others for him at that time and for me in my memories. We lived in Connecticut at the time and I do believe that this picture was taken at the quite large beach house we rented as we had sold our house and had to move about six weeks before we were to head for California.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Did you know?
The suspense must be difficult to deal with - hang in there - this is too exciting -
Today - 03-03-09 is (Trumpets blow!) is Square Root Day!!!
Today - 03-03-09 is (Trumpets blow!) is Square Root Day!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009

There should be a picture of the author of this wonderful book - high hopes.
Later - it worked - not perfectly but putting a very old book into my contraption is not easy. Under the picture it says "Yours resspedtively" signed "John P. Squibob" and under that "Note - This autograph may be relied on as authentic, as it was written by one Mr. Squibob's most intimate friends."
Years ago I typed a copy of one of his funniest stories so I could share it with friends - it was all about putting railroad in San Francisco - which would be 2 and1/2 miles long.
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