How so much mass confusion was cramed into a mere 28 hours I will never know - this included getting our beauty rest also. Anyhow, I had one grand time with Rich, Chris, Shellie, Greg, Karen, Barry and Gay. Some were part timers - Shellie stayed here and Rich and Chris stayed in a motel. We all missed Jeff who is off in Oregon taking care of snowy and icy roads.
So what did we do - we ate alot. Gay, bless her heart, even brought us breakfast Sunday morning! We had one horrid session of progressive rummy (I was minus about 2 and 1/2 million). We opened Christmas presents. We talked. Rich magically eliminated a great deal of my self inflicted (and I do mean self inflicted - truly) computer confusion and also showed me how to post pictures and a few other things that leave me hoping I will remember how to use use the mouse without moving it or pushing twice. ( As can easily be noted, my computer lingo is rather bad!) Best of all there was lots of laughter!
Rich and Chris left Saturday PM and Karen, Shellie, Gay and I decided we needed to visit the Habitat for Humanity recycle store. That was great fun! How wonderful to see all the left over building/remodeling items being made available for use. It sort of made me want to redo my abode - please note, I said sort of! The really old tools, lathes etc. really tugged at my heartstrings and took me right back to the basement in Des Moines. I did love to use the lathe.
And thus ended the wonderful time. Saturday evening was far too quiet - totally boring etc. But today - ah, yes - I may have Jennifer and one or both of her boys coming here for the night. That will be yet another treat!