Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Joy of Gavin

Today I spent two plus hours in the car backseat while Jen was driving. I sat back there to help Gavin pass the time of being strapped into his car seat. Of course, I was really enjoying watching him react and pick up on things and really join in in his not quite one year old fashion.
He happily played clapping our hands which went into my holding one of his hands and he would pull it away and I would dramatically express my losing his hand - he found this all quite funny. Probably the most fun was our singing - he very definitely has the idea that making some noises becomes singing.
He did drift off to sleep so all my special fun in the car ended. But, when we got to Jen and Gavin's home I passed on having dinner but did want to spend some time on the floor with Gavin before I headed home. He was so happy to be turned loose and kept pointing out things - expecially in pictures in a book - he would turn the page and then point and seemed to be saying "That" as he pointed - he did that routing numerous times. He also made it clear by actions that he wanted me to be impressed with other things.
Near as I can translate he has three words - light, tree and that. He seems to have quite a few notes of the scale on call for singing and he is so very happy exploring - just great fun to be around. Quite good for this Great Grandmother.

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