Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There is gold in them thar hills!

And I feel like a disovered a true goldmine this morning. I went to the Pelton Wheel Museum to be interviewed re being a docent there this spring and summer. It was a most wonderful hour or so while I was being interviewed and shown the many wonders of the museum. The building itself is fascinating - it was the source of air for several nearby mines. Seeing the 30ft. pelton sheel again was exciting (I have not been there for many years) - and hundreds of amazing items from local mines. They have the only Burden Pan in the world that still works - somehow it was used to separate the mercury from the gold and other minerals. As a Docent I will turn it on for visitors. To me it looked like a huge cast iron bowl with two or three cast iron balls in it. Excuse my rambling - I am really wound up - and that is good! Oh, yes - I did feel like a need to take a dust cloth with me next time.

1 comment:

Shellie said...

I'm happy for you Mom... sounds like it will be fun.