Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One foot at a time!

Yeserday, while reading blogs etc., my left foot went to sleep! Not that the blogs were boring - in fact, there was nothing new, as I recall. Anyhow, I realized that yonder foot was sleeping but decided it was ready to hold me in a vertical position. It wasn't at all ready - I crashed inbetween my desk and the cabinet. Immediately, I was quite aware that my sleeping foot woke up with a gusto - major pain gave me the message. First thought - since that is the foot with all the metal holding the bones together will the metal survive the rather major twist and fold that I had accomplished with afore mentioned ankle. It did! I did hobble the rest of the day - and the darn thing did hurt enough to keep me aware that it was there. The good news is that today it is 95% better - sort of bruised but just a slight bit of discomfort - in fact, just enough to make me remember that it is there.
Another day in my exciting life!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I am SO glad that you are all in one healthy piece! Yikes! Sorry for the pain and discomfort, but so glad for your usual quick recovery -- impressive!

PS Congrats on a several-month run winning 1st place at bridge!!!!