Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Pomegranate and I

Ah, yes - such fun! A friend gave me three pomegranates. Now that they are near the top of "really good for you foods" list I was delighted to have them. Truthfully, I have sort of ignored the things for many years and truly wondered why Rich would attack them with such joyous gusto.
I still wonder at the joyous gusto, but did attack mine this mroning and have found all the lovely little non-seeds inside them and have a cup and a half of the non-seeds freezing for future reference. I do marvel at the amazing construction of a pomegranate - really quite beautiful and so protective of the non-seeds.
We are now up to nine or ten assorted family members that plan to be here for Thanksgiving dinner. The question may be " What will we have other than pomegranate non-seeds? Who knows? Turkey in some form, Gay is bringing a vegetarian dish and a fruit salad - and Jennifer's pumpkin cheese cake, of course. Certainly, we will all be ready for a wild hearts game or crazy rummy or whatever. Anyhow, the invitation remains open - the more the merrier.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Barry and I will be there -- with a homemade apple-cinnamon pie among other things - probably with Vanilla Bean ice cream for pie a la mode! We will be ready for some frisbee throwing and some progressive rummy/hearts/war, etc!