Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alot of nothing about nothing

I am totally lost when it comes to "Lost" but have enjoyed the frustrations that both Janet and Greg have endured over the many "Lost" years. Hopefully there will be a special program for them next year - perhaps entitled "Found" or some such. Me, I have followed "All My Children" since the summer of 1972 - I still find it ridiculous and a waste of time - but there is such a thing as loyalty.
Jennifer came to my museum Saturday - a lovely surprize. Saturday was my giant step for mankind day as I started leading tours. Jen, of course, had wanted to meet the man with the royal sounding name - but he wasn't there. Oh, yes - there is a new addition to the incredible collection at the museum. They now have a giant bellows -and I do mean giant. It is 10-12 feet long and 5-6 feet wide - and absolutely beautiful.
Barry and Karen took me out for Chinese food Friday evening and then back here and we chatted and laughed etc. until eleven - great fun! On Sunday Barry returned - he replaced the filter in my furnace - the old ones had not been disturbed for several years. Of course, unlike most furnaces mine is not easily accessible - so out came the step ladder and up he went - a most awkward project. How fortunate I am to have Barry near at hand.
Seeing as how my abode's interior needs some TLC (so does the yard) I think I will hop to and accomplish some good things.


Janet said...

I'm curious about the giant bellows!

Carol said...

come over some Saturday and I will show them to you - G