Sunday, August 29, 2010
Just to get Shellie all excited!!!
O. K. Shellie - just think of this amazing event. (The rest of you are allowed to laugh). When my Museum buddy bid me farewell yesterday he said - (are your ready?) and I quote, "Goodbye, sugar." Never, in all my 84 and 1/2 years have I been called "sugar" - and, as you all well know, it does not fit me in any way, shape or form. It must be a deep South expression.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Scarlet fever
Out of the blue, Gavin took on a red rash. Much to everyone's surprize, it was scarlet fever. I am happy to report that he seems to be responding to treatment and is back to being a cheerful and very busy two year old.
However, it did remind me of the good old days when scarlet fever attacked the Little family in Des Moines, Iowa. First was my oldest brother - thirteen years of age. My Dad and my oldest sister were allowed to escape to stay with friends for four weeks. Jeanne was approaching fifteen. My Mother, brothers Ralph(12) and Don (8) and I(10) were housebound for three weeks. Howard was really quite sick and among problems, he took up sleep walking. The results were that Mother had to wipe down every doorhandle with Lysol every morning. That is truly the extent of my memories of that time. Howard, by the way, was housebound for four weeks.
Then, two or three weeks late, sister Jeanne was diagnosed with scarlet fever and while the Doctor was at the house, he decided that I, also, had joined the ranks because I had a slightly sore throat. Back to isolation from the world. Once again, Dad moved out of the house. And there was Mother, once again house bound with all five of her kids - and even worse (for me) Jeanne and I had to stay in bed for three of the four weeks. Jeanne was sicker than I - actually, I never ran a fever or felt sick but I was diagnosed and that was all there was too it. I had to spend the same three weeks in bed and another week getting my strength back.
Both times there was a large yellow sign on our front door warning the world that it was dangerous to enter our abode.
I have often wondered how Mother survived the spring of 1936.
However, it did remind me of the good old days when scarlet fever attacked the Little family in Des Moines, Iowa. First was my oldest brother - thirteen years of age. My Dad and my oldest sister were allowed to escape to stay with friends for four weeks. Jeanne was approaching fifteen. My Mother, brothers Ralph(12) and Don (8) and I(10) were housebound for three weeks. Howard was really quite sick and among problems, he took up sleep walking. The results were that Mother had to wipe down every doorhandle with Lysol every morning. That is truly the extent of my memories of that time. Howard, by the way, was housebound for four weeks.
Then, two or three weeks late, sister Jeanne was diagnosed with scarlet fever and while the Doctor was at the house, he decided that I, also, had joined the ranks because I had a slightly sore throat. Back to isolation from the world. Once again, Dad moved out of the house. And there was Mother, once again house bound with all five of her kids - and even worse (for me) Jeanne and I had to stay in bed for three of the four weeks. Jeanne was sicker than I - actually, I never ran a fever or felt sick but I was diagnosed and that was all there was too it. I had to spend the same three weeks in bed and another week getting my strength back.
Both times there was a large yellow sign on our front door warning the world that it was dangerous to enter our abode.
I have often wondered how Mother survived the spring of 1936.
Monday, July 26, 2010
I love Barry - but
I totally dislike Microsoft 7 at this point in my life - and I do mean, totally! My new computer is decidedly faster, but like my old one, it continues to look me in the eye in a very wicked manner. Howevery, I did manage to get on my blog so maybe I will find my way through this new maze. And I am on the verge of changing to Comcast for my internet activities - supposedly, it will be faster and for one year, it will be cheaper. Life is ever so exciting!
Friday, July 23, 2010
There are no words etc. Barry came over to see what he could do to pep up my computer and walked in with a new computer. It is not all hooked up yet so this is on my snail computer - but my life should be simplified ere long. My morning battles with my computer have been rather frustrating - the waiting, waiting, waiting for it to decide to respond - nightmarish!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Great week!
This has been an amazing week. I have been reading lots on the gold mines in this area - Karen suggested that I explore Russ's "Gold Flat Chronicles" - and I certainly found a gold mine of information. I had not realized that there had been hydraulic mining in Dutch Flat - and the Green Valley - and Alta, and Gold Run - and you name it.
Anyhow, I also learned alot about the law suits that stopped hydraulic mining - really interesting. I have pursued that subject on the internet also - and really am enjoying that subject.
ALso of great interest was all he wrote about the problems with the Chinese - certainly brings to mind the problems with illegal immigrants today. The Chinese were legal but caused major fears all over northern California. San Francisco even many a rule prohibiting Chinese in the city - the federal government over ruled them.
Then I went to a Historical Society meeting and heard a talk about Lyman Gilmore and the never ending question - did he or didn't he actually be the first to fly a motorized craft? The speaker thought not. I came home and did some internet reading re Gilmore and found that he did alot of experiments along the North Fork Canyon - even had witnesses from Colfax on at least one occasion.
Obviously, I could (or may have already) bore you to death. So, with a what's next story I will adjourn. I head for the Museum later this morning and will have the pleasure of taking Terry on a tour - that should be fun. He is really excited.
Anyhow, I also learned alot about the law suits that stopped hydraulic mining - really interesting. I have pursued that subject on the internet also - and really am enjoying that subject.
ALso of great interest was all he wrote about the problems with the Chinese - certainly brings to mind the problems with illegal immigrants today. The Chinese were legal but caused major fears all over northern California. San Francisco even many a rule prohibiting Chinese in the city - the federal government over ruled them.
Then I went to a Historical Society meeting and heard a talk about Lyman Gilmore and the never ending question - did he or didn't he actually be the first to fly a motorized craft? The speaker thought not. I came home and did some internet reading re Gilmore and found that he did alot of experiments along the North Fork Canyon - even had witnesses from Colfax on at least one occasion.
Obviously, I could (or may have already) bore you to death. So, with a what's next story I will adjourn. I head for the Museum later this morning and will have the pleasure of taking Terry on a tour - that should be fun. He is really excited.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Much Ado About Absolutely Nothing
O.K. here we go -
Karen - Where are you?
Jennifer-e - Where are you?
Brian - Where are you?
It is great to have nice blogs from Janet and Greg - and the pictures that Shell posted etc. are wonderful. I am so jealous of Janet and her travel plans - my idea of perfection - driving anywhere in the good old USA.
Karen and Barry had a wonderful two weeks exploring Colorado. It was fun hearing about their adventures and what could easily have been misadventures.
Summer has arrived - and I am still waiting for spring. My arm continues to keep reminding me that it is there - a total nuisance! My, how exciting my life is!
Karen - Where are you?
Jennifer-e - Where are you?
Brian - Where are you?
It is great to have nice blogs from Janet and Greg - and the pictures that Shell posted etc. are wonderful. I am so jealous of Janet and her travel plans - my idea of perfection - driving anywhere in the good old USA.
Karen and Barry had a wonderful two weeks exploring Colorado. It was fun hearing about their adventures and what could easily have been misadventures.
Summer has arrived - and I am still waiting for spring. My arm continues to keep reminding me that it is there - a total nuisance! My, how exciting my life is!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Among the missing?
Where are you Janet?
Where are you Greg?
Where are you Jen?
Where are you Brian?
Where are you Karen?
Where are you Shellie?
Where are you Greg?
Where are you Jen?
Where are you Brian?
Where are you Karen?
Where are you Shellie?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The 4th of July
To celebrate I got up early to watch the men's tennis finals plus some other tennis stuff. Stumbled on a program re early alzheirmers - quite interesting - and I have a new motto - "Be kind to yourself." While I do not have alzheimers I do find words excape me more often - they sort of float around my head and I am quite aware that they are there - just playing hide and go seek. No big deal unless I allow it to be a big deal.
Anyhow, I decided to not join the parade today - or even go watch it. My "celebration" happened Friday when Gay stopped by for a nice long chat in the afternoon - it was so nice. And then Jen and the boys came for dinner and fun and games - such as "chase me" out in the cul de sac - which consisted of Gavin and me trying to catch Terry. I finally got worn out and brilliant at the same time, and dragged out Gavin's "car" and a scooter I had been given to give to Terry.
Then, of course, there was my day at my museum - a very successful day. We had quite alot of visitors and they were all in a generous mood. We took in over one hundred dollars in contributions and sold over one hundred dollars of merchandise. Both Bedford and I were very pleased with how the day went.
I am hoping to find a good movie on TCM to watch this P.M. And I do hope that all my family are having a wonderful 4th of July.
Anyhow, I decided to not join the parade today - or even go watch it. My "celebration" happened Friday when Gay stopped by for a nice long chat in the afternoon - it was so nice. And then Jen and the boys came for dinner and fun and games - such as "chase me" out in the cul de sac - which consisted of Gavin and me trying to catch Terry. I finally got worn out and brilliant at the same time, and dragged out Gavin's "car" and a scooter I had been given to give to Terry.
Then, of course, there was my day at my museum - a very successful day. We had quite alot of visitors and they were all in a generous mood. We took in over one hundred dollars in contributions and sold over one hundred dollars of merchandise. Both Bedford and I were very pleased with how the day went.
I am hoping to find a good movie on TCM to watch this P.M. And I do hope that all my family are having a wonderful 4th of July.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Home away from home
It continues to be exciting to me to spend Saturdays at my museum. Yesterday was extra special. "Why?" you are all asking and I can only say it was a combination of many things.
Perhaps the best is that I am researching the building itself. We have all sorts of nicely presented information booklets about everything but nothing about the building and its history. So far, I am finding the story fascinating and am hoping to put it all together in an unknown form.
Also, yesterday at least three men came in at different times that remembered using the 30ft. Pelton Wheel like a ferris wheel. Each one was so excited to share his rememberances.
At long last I have truly earned Bedford's approval. Now that I lead tours it does make things easier for him. I really enjoy the down times when we can sit and chat about this and that. By the way, I really have fun leading tours - hoping that my happiness will maybe cover my lack of depth of knowledge.
Perhaps the best is that I am researching the building itself. We have all sorts of nicely presented information booklets about everything but nothing about the building and its history. So far, I am finding the story fascinating and am hoping to put it all together in an unknown form.
Also, yesterday at least three men came in at different times that remembered using the 30ft. Pelton Wheel like a ferris wheel. Each one was so excited to share his rememberances.
At long last I have truly earned Bedford's approval. Now that I lead tours it does make things easier for him. I really enjoy the down times when we can sit and chat about this and that. By the way, I really have fun leading tours - hoping that my happiness will maybe cover my lack of depth of knowledge.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Don't do as I did!
While sort of rushing around this morning getting ready to head for "The Musuem" I was happily fixing a healthy lunch since I have been on a healthy lunch jag this week.So I ground up carrots and celery in my blender - added some juice and water and thoroughly blended that (hoping to avoid chunks of carrots) and then tossed in a nice serving of frozen blueberries for the finishing touch. That finishing touch nearly finished me - I turned on the blender and immediately discovered that I had neglected to put the cover on it - the most essential step in blending! I cannot do justice to the mess I had to tackle - the walls, the floors, the coffee maker and me were quite well decorated. My desire was to sit in the middle of the floor (out of the mess) and cry - I mean bellow! Anyhow, I didn't yield to my frustration other than to keep muttering "How could I be so stupid?" All is cleaned up - my lunch is ready to go and I am not but there is sufficient time to get ready. Thus my advice for the day - always put the top on your blender before you turn it on!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A special message for Shellie, Janet and Greg. A few weeks back Shellie set up my hearts game so that I could be mentally destroyed by herself, Janet and Greg. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I just "took them all" four times in a row! Me - Zero. Shellie - 104! Janet - 104! Greg - 104! Are you not immensely proud of me?
Tis off to bed time for me - ah, what sweet dreams lie ahead.
Tis off to bed time for me - ah, what sweet dreams lie ahead.
Yet another lovely surprize
Late yesterday PM I received a call from Shellie. She was, at long last, departing her Beatty sojourn (with sadness)and heading for Williams, Ca. where they were starting another job. She said she wanted to stop by for five minutes - I begged for ten! Since I was in Rocklin when she called I decided that I was not too tired to drive home and headed up the hill. When I arrived at my abode I found Shellie having a brief nap on my couch. Her plan had changed - we would go out for a salad and then she would head West. Well, the salad was good and the chatting time was super. Best of all, she decided to spend the night. It was after one this afternoon before she did leave - how wonderful to have five minutes extend to seventeen hours. I am what is known as a very happy Mommy! Many thanks, Shellie.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Silly me!
My goodness, it does not take much to make me happily looking forward. Tomorrow I return to the Mining Museum and I find I can hardly wait. When you think about it, the six plus hours (we always have last minute tours, it seems) sometimes drag - but that does not matter. Obviously, I am at home amidst rusty mining stuff - and there is alot of rusty mining stuff there. The first time I saw Grass Valley (the summer of 1971) I said to myself "I have to live here!" - I still feel that way about it and that makes being at the Mining Museum sort of like a special dessert or something. If that makes sense to anyone - congrats! It is so wonderful, after thirty-nine years to feel the same way whenever I have been gone - as I approach Grass Valley and very often say out loud - "I am so glad that I live here!"
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The call of the bridge table
Later today I am off for Sacramento to seek fame and fortune (Ha!) at the bridge table - just playing one day so I am limiting my chances. In years gone by I played six days of bridge at the Sac Regional Bridge Tournament and did likewise at many other bridge tournaments hither and yon. Russ fussed at me once about the money I was wasting. A few years later he informed me that he realized that "bridge is almost as complex as chess" - we followed that statement with a discussion of the differences, such as bridge requires awareness of what three others are doing which is frequently a great mystery. Anyhow, tomorrow I will play with Pete - a good partner from several years ago. He and his wife stayed with me during our little tournament several times and Pete, Chris(wife) and another couple and I went off to tournaments in Oregon etc. Always fun. Incidently, there is no fortune at bridge tournaments - just "master points" which are basically worthless. So you pay to play - plus meals, plus motel rooms and transportation - and, by the way, it was a great excuse to get up and go.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thoughts while thinking - or something?
Although I really enjoyed my six hour plus stint at the museum yesterday, I found myself wishing I had sufficient fortitude to go over to the luncheon honoring Julie. I am quite proud of what Julie had accomplished and certainly should have been there - unfortunately, my courage is far too wounded. Enuf said!
Now it is share time! I am quite excited about getting back into the two books I have that Norman Cousins wrote regarding sickness and attitude(and much more). Both of these books had a major impact on me many years ago - starting around 1975. Anyhow, in rereading them I have realized that these books had really played a major role in my year of cancer treatment, my continuing treatment regarding my heart, and even when I had to deal with my broken ankle. My "yet another adventure" philosophy came directly from his writings. I highly recommend "Anatomy of an Illness" and/or "The Healing Heart" as a means to consider what you can do should a major illness come your way.
I have also been reading alot of books re mining for gold in this area - and continue to understand better the stuff we have at the museum. My buddy, Bedford, is happy now that I can lead tours. Me too!
Now it is share time! I am quite excited about getting back into the two books I have that Norman Cousins wrote regarding sickness and attitude(and much more). Both of these books had a major impact on me many years ago - starting around 1975. Anyhow, in rereading them I have realized that these books had really played a major role in my year of cancer treatment, my continuing treatment regarding my heart, and even when I had to deal with my broken ankle. My "yet another adventure" philosophy came directly from his writings. I highly recommend "Anatomy of an Illness" and/or "The Healing Heart" as a means to consider what you can do should a major illness come your way.
I have also been reading alot of books re mining for gold in this area - and continue to understand better the stuff we have at the museum. My buddy, Bedford, is happy now that I can lead tours. Me too!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Alot of nothing about nothing
I am totally lost when it comes to "Lost" but have enjoyed the frustrations that both Janet and Greg have endured over the many "Lost" years. Hopefully there will be a special program for them next year - perhaps entitled "Found" or some such. Me, I have followed "All My Children" since the summer of 1972 - I still find it ridiculous and a waste of time - but there is such a thing as loyalty.
Jennifer came to my museum Saturday - a lovely surprize. Saturday was my giant step for mankind day as I started leading tours. Jen, of course, had wanted to meet the man with the royal sounding name - but he wasn't there. Oh, yes - there is a new addition to the incredible collection at the museum. They now have a giant bellows -and I do mean giant. It is 10-12 feet long and 5-6 feet wide - and absolutely beautiful.
Barry and Karen took me out for Chinese food Friday evening and then back here and we chatted and laughed etc. until eleven - great fun! On Sunday Barry returned - he replaced the filter in my furnace - the old ones had not been disturbed for several years. Of course, unlike most furnaces mine is not easily accessible - so out came the step ladder and up he went - a most awkward project. How fortunate I am to have Barry near at hand.
Seeing as how my abode's interior needs some TLC (so does the yard) I think I will hop to and accomplish some good things.
Jennifer came to my museum Saturday - a lovely surprize. Saturday was my giant step for mankind day as I started leading tours. Jen, of course, had wanted to meet the man with the royal sounding name - but he wasn't there. Oh, yes - there is a new addition to the incredible collection at the museum. They now have a giant bellows -and I do mean giant. It is 10-12 feet long and 5-6 feet wide - and absolutely beautiful.
Barry and Karen took me out for Chinese food Friday evening and then back here and we chatted and laughed etc. until eleven - great fun! On Sunday Barry returned - he replaced the filter in my furnace - the old ones had not been disturbed for several years. Of course, unlike most furnaces mine is not easily accessible - so out came the step ladder and up he went - a most awkward project. How fortunate I am to have Barry near at hand.
Seeing as how my abode's interior needs some TLC (so does the yard) I think I will hop to and accomplish some good things.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Total Frustration! and I do mean TOTAL!
Hidden in my cell phone is a picture of my brand new great grand daughter - and I can't find it. This I know - she is three weeks early - she weighs almost six pounds - she had dark hair - and she is absolutely the most adorable baby ever created.
I suspect that Brian is floating on clouds that don't exist - that Sarah is incredibly happy and somewhat weary - and that both are just plain estactic as they gaze upon their little marvel. Now the question is, which of the two names they were considering will be the one - or will they name her after me, as I suggested.
Me, I am ready to break open my cell phone and find that picture! ( I am also quite happy for Brian and Sarah and their wee little daughter.)
I suspect that Brian is floating on clouds that don't exist - that Sarah is incredibly happy and somewhat weary - and that both are just plain estactic as they gaze upon their little marvel. Now the question is, which of the two names they were considering will be the one - or will they name her after me, as I suggested.
Me, I am ready to break open my cell phone and find that picture! ( I am also quite happy for Brian and Sarah and their wee little daughter.)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Shellie continues to boss me around!
I just had a nice chat with "that girl" known as Shellie - she wants me to write a blog today re how things went yesterday docenting. Well, it went very well, indeed! My partner - Bedford Lampkin, by name - is such an incredible tour guide - this leads to incredible donations to the cause. Anyhow, so far, I insist that he lead the tours while I do the nitty gritty. Shellie agreedv that he does need a nickname - somehow it seems like a totally English name (he is from Alabama) and we decided that "lord" would be appropriate.
Ah, yes - Mother's Day - I have a sweet potato something in the oven which I will take down to Rockland later this morning to go with whatever Karen, Barry and Jennifer throw on the table down there. I am staying overnight as I am needed to babysit at some point tomorrow. I do hope it is short term, as long term with one or both boys would wipe me out - and possibly them, also! (Like telling them it is bedtime at 4:30 P. M.)
Thus all the excitement in my life continues.
Ah, yes - Mother's Day - I have a sweet potato something in the oven which I will take down to Rockland later this morning to go with whatever Karen, Barry and Jennifer throw on the table down there. I am staying overnight as I am needed to babysit at some point tomorrow. I do hope it is short term, as long term with one or both boys would wipe me out - and possibly them, also! (Like telling them it is bedtime at 4:30 P. M.)
Thus all the excitement in my life continues.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Following Orders (from Shellie)
I take computer in hand in a very fearful manner - will my blog reach Shellie's high expectations?
Before my debut as a docent - eons ago, in fact - I went to the PDQ Bach event and was sort of disappointed. I did laugh alot but it was not a concert with an orchestra. One piano, two singers and the "Professor" who did alot of talking. He has aged - walks with a cane - and remains quite funny. As I said, it was sort of disappointing.
Last Saturday was my first day as a real, genuine docent at the mining museum. Today is my second day etc. I was the official greeter and good-byer. My partner led the tours - he is so well informed about all the goings on that I feel quite inadequate. He was not involved in mining but has been involved in the Historical Society and a docent at the Empire Mine since moving here. We were not overwhelmed with visitors so it was a leisurely day and did collect what he considered an amazing amount in donations. I did a fairly good job of cleaning the bathrooms before we left - I rather think I left them cleaner than they have been in quite a long time. Hoorah for me - I do have a talent!
Before my debut as a docent - eons ago, in fact - I went to the PDQ Bach event and was sort of disappointed. I did laugh alot but it was not a concert with an orchestra. One piano, two singers and the "Professor" who did alot of talking. He has aged - walks with a cane - and remains quite funny. As I said, it was sort of disappointing.
Last Saturday was my first day as a real, genuine docent at the mining museum. Today is my second day etc. I was the official greeter and good-byer. My partner led the tours - he is so well informed about all the goings on that I feel quite inadequate. He was not involved in mining but has been involved in the Historical Society and a docent at the Empire Mine since moving here. We were not overwhelmed with visitors so it was a leisurely day and did collect what he considered an amazing amount in donations. I did a fairly good job of cleaning the bathrooms before we left - I rather think I left them cleaner than they have been in quite a long time. Hoorah for me - I do have a talent!
Friday, April 23, 2010
What me? Refined?
After lunch I will be heading for Sacramento and my good friend, Lorraine's. Lorraine and I have the same taste in music so we are going to a concert tonight. It consists of Bach music - P.D.Q. Bach music that is. There will be lectures by Dr. Shickely of the University of North Dakota. It will be a wonderful evening. No doubt we will never stop laughing, as we did when seeing John Cleeve. One could say that our culture has no bounds.
Totally un related - we were powerless all day yesterday. The house was quite cold when I got up and even colder when I went to bed. How helpless one does feel when there is no power available.
Totally un related - we were powerless all day yesterday. The house was quite cold when I got up and even colder when I went to bed. How helpless one does feel when there is no power available.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
You can learn something new every day!

Today was my first official docent training day at the Pelton Wheel Musuem. It was great - for one thing, the enthusiam of everyone was such a treat. Anyhow, among realities that I had never thought about and found quite interesting is the above chart. So, I thought some of you might be as overwhelmed as I am about all the pounds of stuff that my life required. What I really want to know, where if all that gold dedicated to me go?
P> S. I forgot to upright the drawing - sorry!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A very special visitor!
Julie called to find out if I was home and would like to see her. I most certainly was home and even more certainly wanted to see her. We had several delightful hours of constant chatter. We discovered that we had the same outlook on health issues. Thus we had great fun exploring what we both hope will become a major part of medical treatment. She calls it something like taking control of your body while I have always sort of stumbled around on relaxation, being optimistic etc.
Her most exciting news is that next month she will become a college graduate with two degrees - neither of which I can identify. She has very exciting plans for summer and then off to Argentena with expections for futher training in her area of expertise - which is being much more than a midwife. I am not familiar with the title of midwifes with the training she has had and will have.
So, let's hear it for Julie - her feet firmly on the ground re where she wants to do with her life. And, let's all hope she gets into the graduate program at UCSF a year from now.
Her most exciting news is that next month she will become a college graduate with two degrees - neither of which I can identify. She has very exciting plans for summer and then off to Argentena with expections for futher training in her area of expertise - which is being much more than a midwife. I am not familiar with the title of midwifes with the training she has had and will have.
So, let's hear it for Julie - her feet firmly on the ground re where she wants to do with her life. And, let's all hope she gets into the graduate program at UCSF a year from now.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Last week = unreal!
Ah, yes, it started out with Easter dinner in Rocklin. Very good - of course. I stayed there Sunday night so I could be up and ready to depart early Monday morning. Karen and I headed for Napa around six and thus began two days best described as ridiculous. Yep, the great trial began. Barry's three sisters and his brother set out to have Barry removed as executor of their parent's estate. He was the "first witness" called to the stand and their attorney set out to trip him up. I was so proud of Barry as he quietly answered the questions with back-up where necessary. The Judge finally called off any further efforts to discredit him and said that he was obviously very knowledgeable. She suggested that they mediate other issues. That took the rest of Monday. Karen and I returned to Rocklin and then headed to Napa Tuesday morning - supposedly to quickly wrap things up. Oh, no - the sisters had thought up more things to argue about. We were there all day again - just when things looked ready to have it over with they would come up with more issues. Once again the courthouse had to remain open overtime. However, it was finally done. Barry was ready blow his top so Karen and I walked the streets of Napa with him and then had absolutely incredible ice cream cones and even did some shopping. We headed home after dark - thus I spent another night in Rocklin and I headed to my home Wednesday morning.
Friday P.M. I headed back to Rocklin to join Karen, Jen and Terry on a journey to Brian and Sarah's - we all wanted to atten a baby shower for you know who. We had a delightful visit with them - really enjoyed seeing the house they are renting and them also. The baby shower was Saturday afternoon and was really lovely. Karen went out to pick-up June Heck who had no way to get to the shower. (That was extremely kind of Karen.) June was so thrilled to be able to be there. She and I had a very nice time chatting - and chatting. Sarah received wonderful baby things. It was a special event. We enjoyed our time with Brian and Sarah the rest of Saturday. Sunday morning we headed home again and ended up in pouring rain. How nice it was to have a daughter and a grandaughter to do the driving. I did drive back to my domicile that evening - taking the "Lincoln Highway" - it is such a lovely drive and I certainly had had my fill of freeways.
As I said, last week was unreal. It does beat my normal weeks, however!
Friday P.M. I headed back to Rocklin to join Karen, Jen and Terry on a journey to Brian and Sarah's - we all wanted to atten a baby shower for you know who. We had a delightful visit with them - really enjoyed seeing the house they are renting and them also. The baby shower was Saturday afternoon and was really lovely. Karen went out to pick-up June Heck who had no way to get to the shower. (That was extremely kind of Karen.) June was so thrilled to be able to be there. She and I had a very nice time chatting - and chatting. Sarah received wonderful baby things. It was a special event. We enjoyed our time with Brian and Sarah the rest of Saturday. Sunday morning we headed home again and ended up in pouring rain. How nice it was to have a daughter and a grandaughter to do the driving. I did drive back to my domicile that evening - taking the "Lincoln Highway" - it is such a lovely drive and I certainly had had my fill of freeways.
As I said, last week was unreal. It does beat my normal weeks, however!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
There is gold in them thar hills!
And I feel like a disovered a true goldmine this morning. I went to the Pelton Wheel Museum to be interviewed re being a docent there this spring and summer. It was a most wonderful hour or so while I was being interviewed and shown the many wonders of the museum. The building itself is fascinating - it was the source of air for several nearby mines. Seeing the 30ft. pelton sheel again was exciting (I have not been there for many years) - and hundreds of amazing items from local mines. They have the only Burden Pan in the world that still works - somehow it was used to separate the mercury from the gold and other minerals. As a Docent I will turn it on for visitors. To me it looked like a huge cast iron bowl with two or three cast iron balls in it. Excuse my rambling - I am really wound up - and that is good! Oh, yes - I did feel like a need to take a dust cloth with me next time.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My first great grand daughter
She is, of course, well behaved - in fact, she never let out a peep! It was great fun having her and her mommy here - also having Brian wonderful. Oh, yes - Brain (not a typographical error) adopted my computer - I do mean adopted - anyhow, he will solve all my numerous problems (I am computer challenged) from his home down South. Apparently, all I have to do is holler. Wow! They were here Tuesday night - and I just had to enjoy them more so I headed down to Rocklin Thursday afternoon and stayed overnight. Karen and Sarah and I even got to go shopping.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It happened again
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It doesn't take much!
Wow! What a lovely surprize. Brian and Sarah called yesterday afternoon to let me know that "if it is o.k. with me" they would be coming here today and would be staying here tonight. I knew that they would be in Rocklin this week but never ex pected them to be here. Of course, this requires some rushing around on my part - but I love reasons to rush around! Good all Brian has already agreed to solve my getting pictures from my camera to a blog or an e-mail - whatever. And me, I am going to get busy and do some special baking etc. - and some dusting etc.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Really, a lovely surprize!
(In my usual normal fashion, I messed up - what a talent!)
Saturday afternoon Shellie popped in to have an early celebration of my oncoming 84th birthday. She had forewarned me - which meant I had a great time looking forward to her being here. She did have to leave for a meeting regarding her HS reunion - at one of Nevada City's infamous bars. She returned around nine and we were having a great time chatting when I mentioned the time change - whoops - it now was head for bed time. Sunday morning did not workout as planned - she was going to fix me a glorious breakfast. I willingly gave up on that in order to just eat what we could find and enjoy more chatting. She had to head home about nine - her "ride" had arrived. It really was very special - Mothers are weird that way.
Saturday afternoon Shellie popped in to have an early celebration of my oncoming 84th birthday. She had forewarned me - which meant I had a great time looking forward to her being here. She did have to leave for a meeting regarding her HS reunion - at one of Nevada City's infamous bars. She returned around nine and we were having a great time chatting when I mentioned the time change - whoops - it now was head for bed time. Sunday morning did not workout as planned - she was going to fix me a glorious breakfast. I willingly gave up on that in order to just eat what we could find and enjoy more chatting. She had to head home about nine - her "ride" had arrived. It really was very special - Mothers are weird that way.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Jogged Memories

I did not remember having this picture. Working on another project I "discovered it" and immediately remembered taking it. I even remember my thoughts while taking it - the pure joy of seeing Russ and Karen so happily absorbed in his music. Somehow, the very old and huge cedar tree adds to the specialness of the scene. There last time together they spent absorbed in his music in his cabin. There are no pictures of that event, but it revolved around the fact that Russ had never learned how to read music. As you know, he certainly had an ear for music and thus played tunes he knew the sounds of quite easily. Some weeks, or months before that day, Karen had given him some Argentinian sheet music - not knowing it was basically useless to him. So, that day, he had her play it on his keyboard so he could learn the melodies involved. Yes, this picture is a very special picture.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have gone cruisin' twice in my life. The last one, a few years back, was fabulous. We went from Florida through the Panama Canal and headed home from Long Beach. Going through the Panama Canal was very exciting for me - I finally got to see it. Then there was the retired Major General - ah, well, it was great fun while it lasted.
My first cruise was quite a few years back, and it was also fabulous. I was all of 21 years old. A good friend from work and I cruised the Great Lakes for one week. We were the bells of the ball, so to speak. There was a scarcity of guys - but we collected three that followed us around like sheep. One was so old - 36 or so - he was a mortician! Then there was the man who decided that I should be his assistant when we reached Mackinaw Island. He was going there to take pictures for some publication. I got "fired" when I refused to go to his stateroom to discuss what I would be doing. That was the first night on board ship -and, the only stateroom invitation that either Fran or I received.
One of the pictures is obviously aboard the ship. The other picture shows us bravely dipping our feet into Niagara Falls - well, at least some water in the vicinity. As you can see, we were quite a pair - Fran, with never a hair out of place and perfectly made-up - and me!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My very special day!
Yesterday was not it! I spent yesterday recovering from "my very special day" on Monday. It started when Shellie called to day that she would be here Monday afternoon and would be staying overnight. Wow!!!!! So, I headed off to bridge - it happened to be a special game requiring all players to be "Senoirs" (i.e. over 55 - rediculous) - my partner and I won the whole thing - better than all 25 pairs involved. Headed home - evidence indicated that Shellie had been here and taken a shower etc. and then went off ot organize her highschool class reunion. We had discussed going out for dinner but I decided to fix a simple, healthy type meal as she had mentioned healthy. At some point I learned that Karen, Jennifer and Gavin would be joining us for dinner so all I had to do was expand what I was planning and add a three plates to the table (Karen had to leave to tutor so I removed one). What a delightful time we had! Lots of chatter - lots of laughing and a ton of pure joy! After Jen and Gavin left, Shellie took on a major project that she had to complete for Jeff's and the business's sake - she went slightly nuts fighting with my computer - she did win in the end. After a not too quality nights sleep we chatted again while eating breakfast and later she departed to visit friends etc. before heading home. She called that evening - she was halfway home - driving in pouring rain. Me, I was enjoying the Olympics (sort of) and still rejoicing over "my very special day"
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I don't recall ever giving anything up for lent. However, I was inspired this year to do just that. So, I gave up - - breathless anticipation by all - - I gave up "not exercising". For six weeks I intend to exercise in some fashion for at least fifteen miinutes a day. I did start a day early as I needed to go to the store, so I walked down and all around that strip mall area, did my shopping and walked home. As you know, that walk home requires walking up a rather steep hill. Yesterday, the first official day, I walked down and again, here and there for fifteen minutes, did my shopping and walked back home - again the hill. To add to my great accomplishment, I walked to the park's clubhouse for a potluck and then walked home - and that meant tackling the hill. I know you are all overwhlmingly impressed!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A groundhog in Connecticut
Ah, yes - it was a groundhog that inspired Karen to leap into this world fifty-eight years ago in Groton/New London, Connecticut. And arrive she did - almost in a flash! And I was so thrilled to have a daughter. In fact, I was higher than a kite as she was in such a hurry that there was not enough time to dope me up - ah, memories of pure joy!
Ever so often, I check myself out - can I still walk up my hill is my test. I did it yesterday - which, thus means I don't have to get carried away with execise. How is that for self serving logic?
Oh, yes - I threw together the most delicious chicken/vegetable/noodle not quite soup Sunday. Why is it that just throwing things near at hand into a pot will often beat out closely following a recipe? It will be an anticipated dinner the rest of this week.
It seems I am just full of odds and ends (like my not quite soup) and that just leads to an odd blog that needs to end.
Ever so often, I check myself out - can I still walk up my hill is my test. I did it yesterday - which, thus means I don't have to get carried away with execise. How is that for self serving logic?
Oh, yes - I threw together the most delicious chicken/vegetable/noodle not quite soup Sunday. Why is it that just throwing things near at hand into a pot will often beat out closely following a recipe? It will be an anticipated dinner the rest of this week.
It seems I am just full of odds and ends (like my not quite soup) and that just leads to an odd blog that needs to end.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Since two family members have pushed and shoved me into taking my keyboard in hand and continue my ramblings - well, here I am. Not truly back "in the mood" but if you will bear with me, I will bear with you.
So, what's new. Well, I decided yesterday to make another batch of cranberry bread which many of you enjoyed (I think) at Christmastime. Anyhow, it just seemed different - not at all like I remembered - but I forged ahead and while two loaves were baking I washed up the assorted bowls, spoons and measuring cups. Reality struck in the process! I could not locate my one cup for measuring dry ingredients - brilliantly, I had used my one half cup. i.e. two cups of flour instead of four - one cup of sugar instead of two - likewise the nuts. So, all the cranberries floated to the top and came out quite well baked. Actually, it tastes quite good - but does not MEASURE-UP to what it should be.
I was typing with both hands involved - but my left arm is now screaming "Remember me?" It has been angry since Christmas, but didn't holler once yesterday - so I decided it had recovered. Not! Having done this whole paragraph with my right hand I will now give it and you a break.
So, what's new. Well, I decided yesterday to make another batch of cranberry bread which many of you enjoyed (I think) at Christmastime. Anyhow, it just seemed different - not at all like I remembered - but I forged ahead and while two loaves were baking I washed up the assorted bowls, spoons and measuring cups. Reality struck in the process! I could not locate my one cup for measuring dry ingredients - brilliantly, I had used my one half cup. i.e. two cups of flour instead of four - one cup of sugar instead of two - likewise the nuts. So, all the cranberries floated to the top and came out quite well baked. Actually, it tastes quite good - but does not MEASURE-UP to what it should be.
I was typing with both hands involved - but my left arm is now screaming "Remember me?" It has been angry since Christmas, but didn't holler once yesterday - so I decided it had recovered. Not! Having done this whole paragraph with my right hand I will now give it and you a break.
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